
Old habits die hard.
I knew I should have gotten
a restraining order.

-Hello, Mick.
-Hello, love.

I brought you a box of Ho-Hos.
Cut it out with the "love" crap.
We just wrapped LA.
We're gonna come back and do
another gig next week after San Diego.

I was kind of hoping you'd come.
You were hoping wrong.
The boys keep asking about you.
I did rather enjoy hearing about the...
-rabbit-eared twins?
-They just wanted publicity.

Look, I'm sorry, baby.
I should have made us a priority.

I can forgive you, Mick.
I just can't forget how you treated me.
There's a start.
Come and have dinner with me
next week after the show.

-No, thanks.
-Come on, Bri. For old time's sake.

-We used to have a lot of fun together.
-Yeah, before you screwed everything up.

You're right.
I did, and I want to make it up to you.

Look, we weren't just lovers.
You were my best friend.
-Come and have dinner with me.

Come and have lunch with me.
You don't even wake up before 5:00.
You're right. So lets have a very
early dinner at 6:00 before the show.

It is still light at 6:00, you know.
Not long enough.
Bri, please.
There are some things
that I really need to say to you.

I have to go pee.
Hey, Mick.
Mick, can you sign a ball for me?
My sisters are your biggest fans.
Even before they both won
the Miss World Bikini.

-Both of them?
-Yeah. They're twins.

How long ago was that?
-They've always been twins.
-Yeah. Yeah, I know. I realize that.

How long ago did they win the....
-Swimming competition?
-lt was about a year ago.

My mother made them wait to enter
until they both turned 18.
