
And our bones bend to rubbed
weasels. But never mind that.

On this day in this place
let it forever be known

that you, pigeons did your
part in the heroic battle for...

- Seeds!
- Freedom!

Right! You will be commander
Gutsy support wing.

I expect you to do whatever it takes
to ensure the success of this mission.

Chaps, the message we have been sent
to carry is of the utmost importance.

The upcome of the war could well depend on it.
We pigeons have never been entrusted
with more critical or dangerous mission.

May you fly straight! And may
your instinct guide you home.

- What did Gutsy mean by highly dangerous?
- I don't know. But I can tell you this.

I am a bird of principle. And
my number one principle is

don't get involved with anything
called highly dangerous!

And I will never violate my beliefs. Do
not ask me to violate my beliefs.

You're talking to the wrong pigeon.
Sir, point of clarification please.
Recalling the highly dangerous mission.

I truly regret that I have but one
life to give for my country.

- I'd love to die. But I can't. Not on Sunday.
- Are you finished?

Not quite, listen, maybe I'm not
that conscientious, but I do object.

Get back to the barracks! Now!
Do I still have to go on
a dangerous mission?

- Now!
- Yep.
