There will be medals, photographs,
commemorative spanks!
I will personally deliver it to him.
They must be desperate indeed to give the
message to this putrid smelling reject.
Oh no, Dennis! You're squished!
He was my favourite.
I am putrid stinky rub. Eat me,
you'll be sick for a week.
- Take him away!
- No!
I've got feather condition!
Wait. On second thoughts
he may prove useful.
Yes! Oh, yes!
Oh, thank you.
You're very wise.
What would you like?
Cards? We can play cards.
Find the pebble?
I've got a lovely voice.
That would be noisy...
I was thinking more along
delights of a celebration dinner.
Celebration dinner!
Brilliant idea!
I cook well, I cook well!
I can make great crumbs in oven.
Oh, you haven't tried my
bread crumb bird seed thing.
No, pigeon on the glass.
It was a lovely liebfrau reduction.
What did you do to him?