When did Ray's body go missing?
I don't know, but I think I saw
his truck this morning at the cemetery.
Who else is missing?
Terry who works at the morgue...
and Deputy Turner.
What's going on, Cece?
It's a voodoo temple.
Grandma was a mambo,
like her mother before her.
It's in our blood, Eden.
For generations,
people would come here to worship.
It's a religion, like any other.
It's full of spirits - both good and evil.
They're called loas.
Grandma helped a lot of people here.
She was a good woman.
Your grandmother was wearing this.
It's a baka.
It's a charm that protects against evil.
What was she doing
out so late last night?
You know over in Cypress,
where they're building that new mill?
There's an old Creole burial ground there.
She was afraid of what
someone might find if they started digging.
The suitcase?
Grandma saved souls.