- What's wrong?
- I'll tell you later.
Listen, man. You got nothing
to worry about. It's just a game.
- Exactly.
- And besides, you know,
if heterosexual men can't show
their cocks to each other,
- then what the hell are we doing here?
- Amen, brother.
You're adorable.
Hey, Bishop.
This is Mitch.
He's the new guy.
I want you to do
a couple things for me.
First, I want you to observe very closely
your surroundings today.
Take everything in.
Leave no mental stone unturned.
Can you do that for me, Mitch?
Then I want you think about
what your life would be like
if you had been born blind.
Thanks, Bishop.
Go. Go, go, go, go, go.
As you can see,
this is a wait station.
This is where you're gonna get the ice,
the soft drinks, the condiments,
the doggie bags,
et cetera and so forth.
That's the computer where you're gonna put
the food and drink orders in.
I hate this fucking place
sometimes, you know.
Why the fuck do we need four more people
on at this time of day, man?
Look at this place!
It's fucking dead.
I swear, Dan needs to clean the shit
out of his fucking brain sometimes, man.
Fucking asshole.
What are you looking at, fuckwad?
That's Naomi. And she's been
working here way too long.
But she's actually a pretty sweet girl
when she's drunk. Let's go.
Come on, baby.
It's nothir like that.
It's true. You just treat me
like a piece of meat.