Not just any piece of meat, baby.
A prime rib.
- Really?
- Uh-huh. Baby, you're oozir with sexuality.
Yeah, but why does it always
have to be about my looks?
Just 'cause I dress slutty
doesn't mean I am slutty.
Okay. This is for deliveries.
There's the Dumpster for the trash.
Also, if you wanna get out of the restaurant
and chill out, here you go.
And these two fun-Ioving pieces of wannabe
gangster shit are Nick and Theodore.
How many fucking times I told you, man?
It's the fucking T-dog, yo.
- Sorry, G.
- Hey, yo, bitch.
What makes you think
I won't cut you?
Aw. Come on, now, dog.
You know I'm just fucking with you.
You know I give you the mad,
phat, superfly, stupid-dope,
dumb-ass, retarded,
bomb-shit props.
Yo, it's almost 4:20, dog.
Let's go.
Those guys should be sterilized.
And I'm not kidding at all.
You don't talk much,
do you, Mitch?
- Actually, you haven't really given...
- That's okay.
'Cause I didn't talk much when I first started
working here either.
You just gotta get used
to your surroundings.
- What's up, Poncho?
- Hey, Raddimus. How you doir?
Actually, more importantly,
how are you and Danielle doing?
I saw that you guys
were arguing, and...
Shit, you know, it would be
a shame if you guys broke up.
You two are
really good together.
Fuck off, okay. Even if we did break up,
you stand no chance in hell, man.
She got this thing about dating grown men
who've had sex with 16-year-old girls.
See, that's the problem
with women, okay?
They're always trying to project
their own values on you.
Anyway, this is Mitch.
He just started today,
so I thought I'd give you the pleasure
of explaining the finer points
of the game to him.
Oh, virgin blood.
Follow me.
Come here.
I wanna talk to you.
Thanks, Raddimus.
Be gentle.
- There you go, Dean.
- Aw, thanks, Tyla. You rock.
Yeah, Tyla, you're the coolest girl
in the whole school.
Hey, man.
Tyla, every time I look at you,
I wish I was a lesbian.