
You know, we should probably feel guilty,
but she broke the cardinal rule:

Don't fuck with people
that handle your food.

All right. How you guys doir?
Everything prepared okay?

Could be better.
It'll do.

I'm sorry. Is there anything
I can do to make it better?

Yeah, get me an extra roll.
And bring me the check.
No problem.
And I'm gonna sing
that bitch a fucking 187.

All right then, Calvin.
Just relax and start
at the beginning.

About three months ago I just finished my shift,
and I really had to take a piss.

So, I go into the bathroom.
And I'm at the urinal,
just waiting for the flow,

minding my own business.
When I notice out of
my peripheral vision

the guy standing next to me
was looking straight at my dick.

He's just staring at it
like they're old pals.

I could practically hear
what he was thinking.

"Whoa. That's a nice dick."
And that's it.
Since that time, I haven't been able
to use a public bathroom.

And the next time I tried to take a leak,
I could've sworn

the guy standing next to me was staring at me,
and I freaked.

Quit staring at my dick!
In retrospect, I think
I might've been mistaken.

What about the stall?
No, it didn't work either.
Every time I go to take a piss, I get the image
of that guy's eyes on my shank.

And then that's when
I start hearing the voices.

I get this paranoid feeling
there are people outside the stall,

and they know I'm having
a difficult time taking a piss.

I can hear them saying,
"What's taking him so long?

Why can't he just piss
like a normal person?
