
I don't hear any peel"
I'm really fucked up.
Psychosomatic auditory

Most people have to pay
for such a thing.

So what the hell should I do?
Well, first,
you need to think about how this problem
affects other parts of your personality.

- Oh.
- See, I recommend...

Oh, bro, that ain't right, man.
- Take a look at the bat wing, bitch!
- Oh, it's so veiny.

Damn, Raddimus. Does Danielle know that
you like to go both ways? How does that work?

Sweet victory.
Good job, asshole.
I'm sorry. Go ahead.
Hello, sir. My name is Monty.
This is my trainee, Mitch.

- How are you doing today?
- Oh, I'm slipping gradually into senility.

Really? Do you consider that
a good thing or a bad thing?

Well, it's a mixed bag.
It's good in the sense that
I can take walks in my underwear.

I can give small children
the middle finger.

But as long as I look happy
while I'm doing it,

people just assume I'm senile.
Yeah, so what's the bad?
Well, sometimes I give
small children the middle finger

and don't realize I'm doing it
until someone slaps me.

So I really am going senile.
Alzheimer's can't be all bad.
You get a chance to meet
new people every day.

- I like you, Monty.
- I like you too, sir.

I like you too, Monty.
So what could I get you
to drink?
