The time has come. Remember,
product pride. Portion consciousness.
Zero hour is upon us.
Let us seize the day!
Yeah, yeah!
Carpe deez nuts.
God, I can't wait to quit
this job!
Okay, your waiter
will be right with you.
Hi there, folks.
What can I get you to drink?
Would you like to start
with an appetizer?
Would you like a baked potato,
french fries or rice pilaf?
- Order up!
- Is everything prepared okay?
- How about some dessert?
- And here you go, folks.
I hope you enjoyed everything.
I know I did.
- Fuck!
- The five-second rule! The five-second rule!
One, two, three,
four, five.
A little floor spice makes everything nice.
There you go.
Damn, man. We almost had to switch
to the ten-second rule.
You green
snot-beard faggot!
Fuck you!
- Oh, no.
- Hang on. I only have a small order.
- I have to put in an appetizer. Goddamn it.
- Chill the fuck out!
Well, hurry up.
Okay, hey, gang.
Listen up.
Let's get out there,
take care of our guests.
I know it's getting crazy,
but we can do it. We can do it.
Let's put that extra... just that little extra...
back in extraordinary.
Okay. There's no
"me" in "team."
Hey, guys. Which one of these
is medium rare?
Shoot. Let's just...
Goddamn it!