Somethir bad happens
when you become a manager.
You put on your fuckir tie, and you get
your fuckir little manager card,
and you're think you're so fuckir cool
because you write the schedule
and tell us what to do.
When in reality, you know you're not even
won'th a bit of bullshit!
Whoa, Naomi!
Relax, woman.
I guess if you become manager, you won't
be able to date any of the waitresses.
While working here, you'll probably find some
of your fellow employees attractive.
It's okay. There's nothing
wrong with that.
But it's important
not to act on those urges.
For Shenaniganz to run like an efficient,
well-oiled machine,
it's a must that
everyone act as a team.
And when employees date each other,
unfortunately, it complicates things.
So for that reason
we strongly discourage
such relationships from forming.
- Dean, Amy, I just sat you.
- Oh, shit. What do we got?
Well, yours are cool.
They look like business people.
- All right.
- What about mine?
I don't know.
They don't speak English.
- Foreigners!
- I'm sorry.
- Are you mad at me?
- No, I swear. I'm just going by the rotation.
I fuckir hate foreigners!
It's such bullshit!
Like they don't know how to tip?
Oh, they know.
Aw, yeah, they fuckir know.
All right.
It's time to show the goat.
You could cut through shoes
if you had to.
- I mean...
- What are you doing, man?
Frontline stuff. Watch this.
Watch this.
We have just been cutting things
90 to nothing.
And the cooks, they just
love it because every time...
Hey, there, folks. My name is Amy,
and I'll be taking care of you.
- Sir, what can I get for you?
- I'd like a New York strip, mid rare,