Warm Springs

ask my cousin Teddy
if that's how they got rid of him.

Are you saying
it's my fault we lost?

I'm saying it's the Republicans' gain
for at least another eight years.

You and Cox
made sure of that.

But that's okay.
This buys you time,

this buys you experience.
We'll run you for governor.

Oh really?
Of which state, South Dakota?

That's very funny, but I'm not laughing.
We've got a lot of work to do.

First, you need to know
what they're saying about you.

They're saying F.D.R.
Stands for featherduster.

That you're a lightweight, that you are
a dilettante without a point of view.

You enjoy hitting me
when I'm down, Louis?

No, but it's the only time
you'll ever listen to me.

Why are you a Democrat,
Franklin? Answer me.

The Democratic Party is the party
of the people. I am a man of the people.

You're a Roosevelt.
What do you know about people?

"It has been far too long
since we last corresponded.

However, it is
with great reluctance

I must decline your kind
speaking invitation.

Unfortunately I would be
of little assistance

to the Junior
Assistance League,

particularly if my purpose
were to appear

as an alumna who is gifted
at public speaking. "

And what do you really
want me to say?

Thank you and if you ask again
I shall scream.

Why don't you ask your husband
for some pointers?

He's a pretty gifted public speaker,
don't you think?

No really, you should
get out once in a while
