to face my life honestly
for the first time.
I didn't mean
to hurt you, Babs.
You never do.
You live your life skimming the surface,
never aware
of the attachments beneath.
- It must be a luxury.
- Eleanor...
Mama, I know
that it's very diff...
Divorce will finish
your career in politics.
How do you intend
to support yourself?
My trust fund.
Divorce Eleanor
and there is no trust fund.
You've come
so far, boss.
State Assembly,
Assistant Secretary of the Navy,
pages right out
of Cousin Teddy's playbook.
We're on the road
to the White House, don't do this.
Lunch, right now!
Boy Scouts, Louis?
Hardly my constituency.
They've got parents.
Besides they're photogenic.
Franklin Roosevelt,
happy to meet you.
- Welcome.
- Nice to see you.
Is this what you want,
Louis? Okay, boys.
Come on, come on.
Line it up. Move!
We've got a photograph happening here.
Yes, squeeze in.
You're looking good,
Fine uniforms,
fine upstanding young men.
- Who's gonna get squeezed in here?
- Picture!
And here we go. Look at the nice man
over there. Here we go!
That's great.
- Okay, guys, over here.
- Perfect.
Okay, boys, ready for lunch.
Will you be joining us?
- Of course.
- All right.
Right here is fine.
- Hey, is this a good one?
- Looks good.