Warm Springs

Go over
to the livery stable...

And fetch the Collier boys.
Welcome to Warm Springs,
Mr. Roosevelt.

Ah, hello.
Thank you.

You must be, uh,
Mr. Loyless.

Please, call me Tom,
Mr. Roosevelt.

- Then you'd better call me Franklin.
- Franklin.

- And this is the missus.
- Call me Eleanor.

It's a pleasure.
And I see you've met
Roy and Pete.

There's a trunk and a chair
with the wheels on it too, Mr. Loyless.

- We'll fetch a wagon.
- We've got a wagon, sir.

Beautiful country.
How long have you
been manager of the inn?

Not long.
Got any paved roads?
No, we don't.
You'll have a great deal
of privacy.

The bedrooms are upstairs...
including a beautiful suite
for you and Mrs. Roosevelt.

There are only a few guests right now
as it's the off-season.

I'm hoping to make
some improvements...

I- I-I can't stay here.
- This place is a wreck.
- Franklin.
