- That was so moving, Mrs. Roosevelt.
- Thank you.
The Child's Welfare Amendment
could use someone with your passion.
You must consider
being our spokeswoman.
- It would be an honor.
- Wonderful.
- five.
- Five!
I walked five steps today!
Listen, I got word a local reporter
wants to do a story on you.
It probably won't amount
to more than a provincial puff piece,
but it might give us
some free publicity for the inn.
I'm hardly newsworthy
these days.
How did he find out
I'm here?
Small town.
Word gets out.
All right, I know the fellow.
I'm doing him a favor.
You know I used to be
a journalist.
You mean to tell me that all this time
I've been talking to a newspaperman?
Not anymore.
I got into some trouble
back in Atlanta.
It seems some
of the editorial pieces I wrote
offended the sensibilities
of a local civic group...
so I needed to lay low
for a while.
You mean the Klan?
Good God, Tom!
Thrusting me
into the beneficent arms
of Mr. George
Foster Peabody,
who gave me this job.
Well, that explains
a few things.
I couldn't
for the life of me
figure out why a man
like you was running this...
- Rat trap?
- I was going to say dump,
but rat trap fits
very nicely.