Give me
the good news first.
Your gluteus maximus
is better than I'd hoped.
- It'll serve you well.
- Oh, that must be all that sitting.
I'm serious.
Your right leg has some
movement along the thigh. That's good.
Because then we'll be able to use
that to extend your hip,
flex your knee
and rotate your tibia.
I'm supposed
to walk on one side?
The water may build some strength
I'm not able to see yet.
But to do that, you would need to swim
in the water much of the day,
not the limited hours
you have now.
Why should this place cater
to a few able-bodied folk
when it could be open
year-round for polios?
There's a real need
for a place like this, Tom.
Are you aware that
in the last epidemic
over 16,000 people got polio
in the New York area alone?
It sounds like
you've been reading up.
I wish there was more to read... damn few
things being written about any of this.
Think of someone like Fred
locked away...
a mind and heart
so vibrant...
- It's a waste. It's an awful waste.
- Listen,
what's the acreage here?
About 1200 or so, why?
- I wanna buy it.
- No?!
I think it would make
one hell of an investment.
1200 acres is enough
for two resorts, don't you think?
It'd take money.
All this land...
fixing up the inn, putting in ramps.
So many people can't pay.
Yeah, but do you think
old Peabody will sell?
- Oh-oh, he'll sell.
- Oh yeah? What makes you so sure?
Have you taken a look
at this place?
Yes, yes,
I'm still holding.
Oh, hello... hello, Peabody!
You old reprobate.
Yes. You'll never guess
why I'm calling.
Okay, gentlemen,
her braces are unlocked.
- Woodhall, this is Eloise.
- Hi.
I want you to pick her up
and put her in that chair.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Gently.