It's spread everywhere.
Well, I'll... I'll...
I'll take you to the best doctors.
We'll go to Atlanta
right now.
I've seen the best doctors.
When you were away in New York,
they opened me up for the second time.
I just wanna die
in the bed I was born in.
You're gonna do great things.
This place has
an identity now...
a purpose.
It has you.
Take care of yourself, Roy.
God be with you,
Mr. Loyless.
You never pitied me.
Thank you for that, Tom.
On the contrary...
I envy you.
Good luck, Franklin.
He wants to use
his entire trust fund
to buy that...
leper colony.
Franklin has invited Louis and me
to see the work that he's been doing.
Playing in a pool all day long,
squandering his
birthright on...
a group of...
fawning strangers.
- I consider this your fault, Eleanor.
- I beg your pardon, Mama?
You have indulged him.
- And this is the result.
- Indulged him?
I have indulged him?!
He's a grown man
who makes his own decisions.
But he doesn't
have to buy it.
If it's any comfort
to you, I agree.
And I'm against it as well. It will take
up too much of his time and energy.
Then it's settled,
we tell him no.
No it is not settled.
We must hear him out.
Louis and I must see for ourselves
the work that he's been doing,