I will see
you gentlemen tonight.
You can't talk
to her like that.
Oh really? Are you an expert on this
now? How should I speak to my wife?
With the respect
that she deserves.
I don't deny that the work
you're doing here could be...
Oh, "could be," oh!
But the issue is whether you wanna
run a rehabilitation center
or whether you want
to run for office again.
When I can walk, I'll run.
Mm-hmm, good.
And that's it.
Your attention, please,
Now this is, as you know,
a very special night we're celebrating.
But last not least, because we're out
of the backroom
and into the dining room.
Wait a minute, wait a minute,
I can't let this opportunity pass
without saying out loud what a lot of us
are feeling in our hearts right now.
You are a man
among men, Franklin.
Hear, hear!
- And women.
- And children.
It's a real democracy here at Warm
Springs. Everybody gets heard.
All right then, let me now do the honors
of presenting to you
- Mr. Danny Connell on the piano.
- Yay, Danny!
And the lovely, Miss Eloise Hutchinson
of cottage C.