Why don't you
read it?
I don't like telegrams,
all them "stops" and stuff.
- Let me see that.
- Does it make you dizzy, Lionel?
A little bit.
"Would be honored
if you would place my name
in nomination
for President, stop.
The Party
needs you, stop.
Yours sincerely,
Al Smith"?!
- Who is he?
- The Governor of New York.
Why don't you slide
that under his door?
All right. He'll probably
slide it back at me.
I need some coffee.
He won't go.
He won't want to be seen walking on
crutches or being wheeled to the podium.
The millions listening
on the radio won't be able to see that.
But all the people
at the convention will.
- Afternoon, Mr. Howe.
- Hello, Roy.
I can't believe you made me
come all the way back to this hellhole.
I've done
no such thing.
I'm here to take you to Houston.
You started your speech yet?
I'm not going.
You're not going.
You're not going.
You know what
this is, don't you?
This is a golden
opportunity for you.
This is a springboard
to run for governor.
Did you ever
hear of this...
Civil War general
named Francis Nichols?
- No.
- I never heard of him either.
But this was one brave
son of a bitch.
He fought
for the Confederacy.
He lost his left arm
in one battle
and his left foot
in another.
Then after the war,
he ran and won the governorship
of Louisiana twice.
- He was a war hero.
- Twice!
I have worked like a dog
to keep your name in play.
I have been groveling at the feet
of the powers-that-be in backrooms...