you shouldn't just go and do that!
What unit are you from?
I'm real glad to
meet up with you here.
Ex-excuse me?
It's dangerous to go off by yourself!
What was that?
- I think it was a person.
- Hey! What is it?
There are snakes!
Snakes here.
This is a Snake Rock.
Was that you just now,
swished past?
You saw?
You saw me!
I'm kinda fast.
I'm real strange.
I don't run out of breath...
And I swing my arms like this
And my legs get faster,
and then
my arms get faster, and then...
The ground rushes past, and...
- I'm real fast
- What are you talking about?
Your arms go like that,
- and then your legs get...?
- High Comrade!
She has a flower in her hair.
Don't lie here.
Snake bites hurt big.
They hurt really big!
Don't move!