How do you know it'll be good?
A war?
- You say a war's started?
- Yes!
Where'd they invade from?
Are they Japs or Chinks?
Well, it isn't another country
that invaded...
Wait a minute,
is it another country?
Well the thing is,
our National Army is fighting
the Puppet Army from the North!
Then, whose side is the
big-nosed guy on?
Wife, he must be on this side.
They knew him right off.
That's right.
Then it's 2 to 1.
That's not fair!
Well the thing is, you shouldn't
look at it that way, ma'am...
It's the kids!
They're all up, coming here.
They should be home.
My goodness, Teacher Kim,
you're right on time.
Say hello.
We have guests from outside.
We have guests
over here, too, sir.
Sons of bitches, I'll kill you!
Don't move or you're dead!
Put down the gun, jerk!
Or I'll kill you all!
- Put down the gun
- I'll kill you!
- Son of a bitch!
- Don't move!
Don't move!
Get inside!
Take the kids and get inside!
Take them inside!
Hey, move!