The breakup.
Why Lanny and you split.
And the girl.
What happened
to Maureen O'Flaherty.
No one had ever been able
to pin Lanny Morris...
... or Vince Collins
to the girl's death.
All that was clear...
... was that Maureen was
found dead in their hotel suite.
It was unthinkable to me
that Lanny and Vince...
... could have had
anything to do with it.
They were my heroes.
"The reason I consider
myself to be a miracle girl...
...is because
I had the good fortune...
...to meet Lanny and Vince
when I was sick.
Their love of life
is what gave me hope...
...and it's hope
that gives us the power to live."
Thank you, Lanny.
Thank you, Vince.
Come on, let's hear it for her.
Denise handled publicity
for the polio foundation.
And it was her idea to plug
the girl's story on the telethon.
The day before, it was my idea to plug
Denise at the Miami Versailles Hotel.
Don't stop! Don't stop!
Don't stop!
You can tell a lot about a woman
by the way she acts...