I haven't seen them yet.
I've been staring at your cans.
Now, Lanny.
- I can't believe he just said that.
- That is completely unacceptable.
Madam, I apologize.
I apologize, ladies and gentlemen...
...for my friend. You cannot
speak that way to a stranger.
Look, her husband's not offended.
- He's not?
- No, her husband's not offended.
Her husband's not here.
This lucky guy is her boyfriend.
And even he's not offended,
and do you know why?
Well, I can certainly hazard a guess.
What the hell is that? For chrissake,
Vince, this is America.
We don't say, "hazard a guess."
We say "yes" or we say "no."
Well, I say "no" to you, Morris.
Excuse me?
Could you repeat that?
I don't think
the entire audience heard you.
Go back to where
you came from, bastard!
I get hecklers all the time,
but this schmuck came off personal.
Where did he think I came from?
Bastard! Bastard!
He called me a bastard.
Now, it doesn't show
from the front, Lanny.
Now, please, would you kindly not
mount me? It's very disagreeable.
Vince plunges straight into
quoting lines I wrote...
... from a song
from our first motion picture.
I happen to be honored
to work with this jerk
Is that a compliment?
I never frown with this clown
Never, never, never.
I get a kick from this...
... friend of mine
Fine, but don't give
the mike to this kike.
- Well...
- Just relax.
It's not often we get topped by
a member of our audience, but...
...this gentleman has
done the impossible.
What is your name?
- It's Joe.
- Joe...
...we were just wondering
if you'd be a great sport...
...and help us out on stage.
What do you say, folks?
Go on.
Joe here is going to play
a crazy high school professor...
...who's about to give Lanny
and I our final high school exam.
So if you'll just excuse us while
we help Joe change into his...
...crazy-professor outfit.
Lanny, a little
costume-changing music...