Where the Truth Lies

My name is Lanny.
And what's your name?
Bonnie. Bonnie Trout.
What do you do, Bonnie?
I teach.
And what do you teach?
- Second grade.
- Well, we have a lot in common.

You teach second grade,
I went to second grade.

- Irv, you went to second grade too?
- Many times.

Tell me, Miss Trout...
I don't mean to be impolite...
...but I was wondering...
...how a second-grade schoolteacher
affords to fly first class.

Well, I have a pass...
...that allows me free use
of the subway on weekends...

...and the hot lunches
at school are only 50 cents.

And I'm the mistress...
...of a wealthy married man...
...and when he and his wife
go on vacation, he treats me...

...to a first-class trip
in the opposite direction.

But look at me, talking only about
myself. What do you do for a living?

I'm a French impressionist
painter out of Tahiti, mainly.

I'm doing that to pay the bills.
My ambition is to be...

...a stockbroker in Paris.
- I don't get it.
- Paul Gauguin.

He gave up being
a successful stockbroker...

...to become a painter
in the South Seas.

You think the average
person knows that?

Well, we're not talking about
the average person, Irv.

In some ways...
... he had never stopped
being a hero to me.

That's why it was impossible
to think he might also be a killer.

Well, this has been great.
I'm gonna see you
inside your apartment.

- There's really no need.
- Don't be silly.

I'm not gonna try to come in.
You've been away from your
apartment for how long now?

- Ages.
- You never know if somebody's...

...broken in while you were gone.
