Bloody. And a couple of bottles
of that champagne.
- Make that three.
- Three bottles of champagne.
And can you make sure
that Maureen delivers them?
Yeah, Maureen.
We called down for Maureen...
... the room-service girl
I'd met earlier...
... who wanted the interview
for her school paper.
She brought up three steaks,
one for her...
... as her last official delivery
of the day.
As much as I love lobster...
... seeing all that shellfish
nestled on ice in the crate...
... put me in the mood
for hooves, not claws.
The interview for Maureen's campus
paper went better than expected.
Vince and I popped some Tuinals...
... to insure that
we would sleep like babes...
... after we wore off the general
horniness that the pills first give you.
Vince bought insurance on his bet
by having a few babes on hand.
Well, not exactly on his hand.
That wasn't his preference.
"Not exactly on his hand.
That wasn't his preference."
"Not exactly on his hand"?
"That wasn't his preference"?
"The Tuinals, coupled with
a nice amount of booze...
...guaranteed us
the sleep of the dead.
Late the next morning,
Maureen was sent packing...
...and Vince and I prepared ourselves
for that night's broadcast."
Well, I guess this is one story my kids
won't have to give a book report on.
Must be weird to find out...
...that the object of all your
adolescent fantasies is a pig.
He's not like that.
Oh, so it's just the way
he describes himself.