Really Crap. Really shit.
Oh my god.
Yeah that's cool.
Thats amazing.
You do know you're near the world's 5th biggest UFO siting?
Get fucked.
Christy, I'm serious!
Well I know!
Well don't.. I can hear you laughing!
What? I'm listening!
I'm listening. Go! Tell me!
Nah, don't worry about it!
Just tell me. I'm listening.
Alright, well I heard about this guy who driving on the highway out there.
And, he see's this light ahead of him. Around 500 metres.
And, first he thinks it's a truck or a semi-trailer or something
coz the light's really bright, like glowing orange and shit.
But as he gets closer he realizes the lights about 10 metres off the ground,
it's hanging in mid air.
So he's scared. He's freaking out.
And then he hears this CRACK. Like an explosion.
That was supposed to scare us.
I know, it's not scary.
Alright, but he did. He heard this crack.
Like an explosion, of a jet.
And it just took off into the sky. Straight up like a rocket.
And then as soon as it was gone, his car just stopped in the middle of the road.
And it was totally silent, and he was just sitting there.
Staring up at the stars.
In the middle of nowhere.
For no reason, just stopped.
Is that a true story?
He's got something.. You've got something dripping off the side of your lip there.
Oh, it's all right. It was just bullshit.
Nah bullshit you mate!