Where you heading?
Darwin, sort of.
Ahh yeah and then onto Cairns. That's where we're really headed.
Ahh.. long drive.
Yeah, it's too long.
British are ya's?
That's right, yeah.
Ben's an Aussie though.
Yeah? Where ya from mate?
Poofta capital of Australia!
Ahh, just playing with you tiger. Never been over there myself.
Lucky you sheila's are travelling with a bloke.
Can't be too careful.
Nothing wrong with the battery.
I told you we'd be alright.
You know he's hilarious. He's like one of those guys from the outback Australia shows. Crocodile Dundee.
Yeah he's a pisser.
Well you're an Aussie Ben. How come you don't talk like him?
You want the bad news or the really bad news?
Well your coil's rooted.
Cactus.. You're not going nowhere.
Well what can we do?
Fuck I hate it totally checked before we left.
Well there must be something we can do?
Yeah well, you take the old one out, bung the new one in, and Bob's your sister.
Only good news is I got the gear to do it.
Problem is it's back at my camp, just down the road a'ways.
Well I'm going back down there anyways so I could give you a tow.
Fix it tongight, probably have you on the road by the morning.
Otherwise, someone will be coming through here.
Anyway, make up your mind coz I gotta get a rattle on.
Yeah Thanks.
Well what do you guys want to do?
Might as well.
Well he's not going to fix it for free is he? I mean, what if he wants a couple of hundred pounds or something?
A thousand? What?
Ok, ok, well first we gotta find out if he wants any money or not.
I don't have a lot of cash on me.
Me neither.
Neither have I.
Why don't we get him to tow us back into town and we'll get someone there to fix it?
Why don't you go on? You go and ask him.
I don't want to ask him.