Let me show you what will happen to
the King and his princess Qingcheng
Would anyone like to know
what I am wearing under this garment?
You have shamed me, I shall kill you!
Your Majesty!
Are you saying I am going to kill the King?
The King will be killed
by the Master of the Crimson Armor
That is his destiny, which nobody can change
Say you are right and I lose the bet?
What will you want from me?
A bitter tear shed because of your broken heart
Hadn't you better ask for something I possess?
One day your heart will be shattered
and bitter tears will be shed
When you find love... you will also find death
And if I rescue the King and win the bet?
You won't
The Battle of
Horseshoe Valley was your last success
By the way
the road to the Imperial City lies to the east