You... Where do you think you are going?
Where are you going?
I must leave you
It's my destiny to lose every man I love
a foolish promise I made as a child
I cannot change it
unless time flows backwards
winter falls in the spring
and the dead come back to life
Let what passed between us stay in our memory
Let you, let me savor
the fleeting kiss that we shared.
You deceived me!
Kill her!
I cannot change my destiny, Kunlun
But you can learn to make up your own mind
When you know
whether or not you should strike
come and find me
Go then!
But I can promise you
when the last of the cherry blossoms
all have fallen
that very day before the sun sets
You will come back to my side
Bring my horse!
Yes, Master!
My horse will speed your return to me!
She won't come back, Master
You have lost her
Because of this woman,
you have disobeyed me a second time