So I'll tell you
what we do know.
Nobody saw the young boy get killed
at the basketball court,
nobody saw Brian Epstein
get killed in the office here,
and nobody saw John Doe
get killed outside.
But what we do know
is that all three of them
were brutally murdered
using the same weapon
by the same person.
Are you that person?
We interviewed some of
your co-workers earlier today,
and they said you had a big
disagreement with Brian Epstein.
Are you fucking crazy?
You think I did that to Brian?
I saw Brian get murdered.
The only thing you got
going for you right now
is that the lady
at the bus stop said
she saw you being
chased by somebody,
but she couldn't identify them.
- Was that Brian Epstein?
- Absolutely not.
You got anything else
you can give me?
Any information
to help me out?
Anything to help you out?
I can't even think straight.
I don't know anything else.
All right, you can go.