xXx: State of the Union

Supercharged with a 25-psi boost,
automated hydraulics...

...high-stall converter with shift kit.
That gonna do the trick?

- You happy?
- I'm good.

I love this girl.
All right, the target is information.
It's on a hard drive
inside my old headquarters, here.

The rest of it is at my house.
- I'll pick that up tonight while you...
- Information?

Well, start by giving me some.
- We on the same page?
- You know what I'm talking about.

Last time out, I went down,
and you disappeared.

Look, you aren't the only one
who lost something that day.

When the fire started,
you were busy with the general.

Some of us went in
to see who we could save.

Now, you think this looks bad? You
should've seen it before I got it fixed.

Guess nobody's story
has a happy ending.

Story's not over yet, soldier.
...can you make that
into a personal weapon?

Give me an hour.
- We straight?
- It's funny, captain.

Wars come and go,
but my soldiers stay eternal.

I like that. Who said it?
- Jefferson? Patton?
- Tupac.

All right, X, this is a covert op.
Full stealth, total silence.
You're gonna wanna be
real delicate here.
