You asked me to track down
the rest of their old troop?
Well, half of them are still enlisted.
- What about the other half?
- Gone. Missing.
The same men that backed
Stone against Deckert.
Every single one of them
just disappeared.
Wait a minute. This is your home?
Not bad for a senator's aide.
I'm not just a senator's aide.
I'm also a senator's daughter.
James Mayweather, Virginia.
Think Daddy's ready to meet
a guy like me?
- Actually, Daddy's out of town.
- Really?
Make yourself at home, Darius.
Not a bad place to grow up, I guess.
Only on the surface.
Growing up in D.C. Politics
is like living in a snake pit.
Everybody fighting for territory.
Sounds a lot like where I grew up.
Oh, no. This is nothing like
where I grew up.
Let's get you out of those clothes,
shall we?
Here we go.
Why don't you try these on.
Not really my style.
Why don't you go ahead
and get cleaned up.
There's some fresh towels
in the bathroom.
Full-service, huh?
You know, if you need anything...
...l'm just right down the hall.
Anything at all.
How about some fries and a shake?