real quiet.
Then bam!
l knocked him out with my trusty antlers.
That's quite a story.
- Oh, you think so?
- Mm-hm.
lt's... unbelievable.
Yeah. Unbelievable.
- You calling me a liar?
- No.
- You wanna spar, do ya?
- No!
Clobber him, Bambi.
lsn't that a girl's name?
Come on. Let's go.
Just a little, friendly competition.
- Coming, Mother.
- Yeah. Maybe you should get going.
Jeez, l was only
playing around with him.
lsn't that right, Bambi?
- (mother) Ronno!
- l'm coming!
Ma! How many times
do l have to tell you?
Don't bother me
when l'm trying to make new friends.
Sorry, dear.
You big mama's boy!
Why don't you run home to your mama?
You big old mama's boy!
(mother rabbit) Thumper!
Coming, Mama.
Gotta go.
See you, Bambi.
So tell me,
what did the groundhog see?
See you, Bambi.
- Do you want us to walk you home?
- No. My father's coming for me.
Well, it was nice
to see you again, Bambi.