- Did l make it?
- (muffled) Yep. You did it.
- What exactly are you doing?
- l'm practicing my jumps.
- Yeah. See?
- Mm.
l see.
l don't get it.
Yesterday he really liked it.
What's he doing, anyway?
l don't know,
but he sure does an awful lot of it.
Well, why don't you ask him?
Oh, he looks busy.
l better not.
Parents like it
when you ask them questions -
lots and lots of questions.
- Really?
- Go on. l'm right behind you.
(Thumper giggles)
Um... uh...
(laughs nervously)
- What are you doing?
- Observing.
Oh. Observing.
- What's observing?
- Well, it's...
- lt's difficult to explain.
- Oh.
You have to look, listen...
and smell, all at the same time.
Oh, l can do that.
Look, listen, smell.
Try to feel the forest around you.
l don't feel anything.
- Does playing in the meadow.
- How do you know?
l feel it in my hooves.