-Now they have direct evidence.
-I didn't kill... its a coincidence.
-Its not a coincidence, its a provocation.
-But Anton wasn't there...
-You were recognized a while ago... shouldn't
have left the house.
-The important part is, they can do anything they
want to you, now.
-Why aren't we driving ?
-Decided to play cowboys and indians ?
-Zavulon !
-I'm listening, Zavulon.
-I hereby present an accusation of mrder
to the worker of Night Watch, Anton Gorodetsky
-Ok I will try to find him.
-We will take him now.
-He's not here.
-He who is suspected of murders.
is in the body of this woman...
-What are you doing ? What are you doing?
-You don't have the right to resist.
-Why aren't you doing anything ?
-Why aren't you doing anything ?