
What's up?
What do you mean?
Well, I mean...
...you've been so down
ever since you got here.

What's wrong?
You really should have
come to Colorado.

What, for the summer?
Yeah, and then we could
see each other...

...and it would be
a whole lot better.

I could show you
all these neat places.

Like there's this one place
called the Roaring Fork...

...where you get in your inner tubes
and ride down the river...

...and you carry a fishing pole and...
I've got some pictures to show you.
Sounds pretty nice, kiddo.
Yeah, and then you could
stay with us at our house.

...you know that's not possible.
I know, but...
Then you could stay someplace else,
like someplace close.

And, well, she could come too...
...and I could stay with
you guys there.

Yeah. But I can't do that, see?
I have a job. I have to stay here.

You know, Mom doesn't
have any of that stuff.

What, the microwave, you mean?
See, we used to live
in an apartment in Denver...

...and it had all that stuff, but...
I don't know.
We had a microwave and everything,
but Mom just never used it.

She was scared of it.
She says it can make you sterile.
Oh, that's silly.
Well, I mean, it's not true.
Well, it might have been true
a long time ago...

...but it's just not true anymore.
- Hi there.
- Hey.

- Hey, what are you making?
- Dessert.

Oh, yeah?
Yeah. We're making
lemon meringue pie.

All right! Fantastic!
My favorite.
