Look at what?
Well, right there by the house.
The grass.
Is it getting enough water?
I watered it yesterday.
Yeah, well, maybe it's
getting too much.
Well, I'll check the sprinklers.
Maybe they're not reaching there.
Okay. Good.
Yeah, look, and don't forget
about the tickets, okay?
Just, call him
as soon as he's open...
...and then let me know.
Tell him that I can come and
pick them up on my lunch hour.
Don't worry.
- See you at 6.
- Okay.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye.
Yes. Oh, great.
No, my husband
will pick them up at 1:00.
Is that all right?
Well, I'm going to have
to replace the whole lawn.
You see, it's all
scorched completely.
- That'll have to all come up.
- Okay.
And then there's
the shrubbery.
Hey, David.
You're getting wet.
Come on. I'll make you
some breakfast.
- Okay?
- Good.
See you.
We can leave as soon as your dad
gets back from work.
We can have hot dogs
at the ballpark.
Does that sound okay?