You got my finger!
Why don´t you get your finger
out of the way?
There you are.
-Right on my finger!
-lt´s a lucky thing it wasn´t your head.
Zeke, what am l going to do
about Miss Gulch?
-Just because Toto chases her old cat--
-Listen, honey, l got them hogs to get in.
Dorothy, you ain´t using your head
about Miss Gulch.
-You´d think you didn´t have any brains.
-l have so got brains!
Why don´t you use them?
When you come home
don´t go by her place...
...then Toto won´t get in her garden
and you won´t get in no trouble.
Hunk, you just won´t listen, that´s all.
Well, your head ain´t made of straw,
you know.
Get in there before l make
a dimebank out of you!
Listen, kid....
Are you going to let that old Gulch heifer
try and buffalo you?
She ain´t nothing to be afraid of.
Have a little courage, that´s all.
l´m not afraid of her.
The next time she squawks,
walk up to her and spit in her eye.
That´s what l´d do!
Zeke, get me out of here! Help!
Are you all right, Dorothy?
Yes, l´m all right.
l fell in and Zeke....
Why, Zeke, you´re just as scared as l am!
You gonna let a little old pig
make a coward out of you?
Look at you, Zeke--
What´s all this jabber-wapping
when there´s work to be done?
l know three farm hands
who´ll be out of a job before they know it!
Dorothy was walking--
l saw you tinkering with that contraption.
You two get back to the wagon!
All right, Mrs. Gale.