She isn´t coming yet, Toto.Did she hurt you?
She tried to, didn´t she? Come on.We´ll go tell Uncle Henry and Auntie Em.
Aunt Em! Aunt Em!
Aunt Em, just listento what Miss Gulch did to Toto!
-Dorothy, please! We´re trying to count!-But she hit him--
Don´t bother us now, honey.This old incubator´s gone bad...
...and we´re likely to losea lot of our chicks.
The poor little things.
Miss Gulch hit Toto on the backwith a rake just because she says...
...he gets in her garden and chasesher nasty old cat every day!
Dorothy, please!
But he doesn´t do it every day,just once or twice a week.
He can´t catch her old cat, anyway!And now she says she´s going to--
Dorothy! We´re busy!
All right.
How´s she coming?
Take it easy.