He´s perfectly welcome.
As one dog to another, huh?
Now, let´s see. Where were we?
Please. Why can´t we go with you
and see all the crowned heads of Europe?
Do you know any? You mean, the thing.
l never do anything without consulting
my crystal first.
Let´s go inside here.
Just come along. l´ll show you.
That´s right. Here, sit right down here.
That´s it.
This is the same genuine, magic,
authentic crystal...
...used by the priests of lsis and Osiris
in the days of the pharaohs of Egypt...
...in which Cleopatra first saw the approach
of Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony and...
...and so on and so on.
You´d better close your eyes, my child...
...for a moment, in order to be better
in tune with the infinite.
We can´t do these things without...
...reaching out into the infinite.
That´s all right. Now, you can open them.
We´ll gaze into the crystal.
What´s this l see?
A house with a picket fence...
...and a barn with a weathervane...
...of a running horse.
That´s our farm!
Yes. There´s a woman.
She´s wearing a polka-dot dress.
Her face is careworn.
That´s Aunt Em.
Yes. Her name is Emily.
That´s right. What´s she doing?
Well, l can´t quite see.