You´d better close your eyes, my child...
...for a moment, in order to be better
in tune with the infinite.
We can´t do these things without...
...reaching out into the infinite.
That´s all right. Now, you can open them.
We´ll gaze into the crystal.
What´s this l see?
A house with a picket fence...
...and a barn with a weathervane...
...of a running horse.
That´s our farm!
Yes. There´s a woman.
She´s wearing a polka-dot dress.
Her face is careworn.
That´s Aunt Em.
Yes. Her name is Emily.
That´s right. What´s she doing?
Well, l can´t quite see.
Why, she´s crying!
Someone has hurt her.
Someone has just about broken her heart.
Well, it´s someone she loves very much...
...someone she´s been very kind to,
someone she´s taken care of in sickness.
l had the measles once
and she stayed right by me every minute.
What´s she doing now?
What´s this?
Why, she´s putting her hand on her heart!
She´s dropping down on the bed!
Oh, no!
Well, that´s all. The crystal´s gone dark.
You don´t suppose she could
really be sick, do you?
l´ve got to go home right away!
l thought you were going along with me!
No, l have to get to her right away!
Come on, Toto!
Come on! Come on!