Just try!
l´ll get you, my pretty,
and your little dog, too!
lt´s all right. You can get up. She´s gone.
lt´s all right. You can all get up.
What a smell of sulphur!
l´m afraid you´ve made a bad enemy
of the Wicked Witch of the West.
The sooner you get out of Oz altogether,
the safer you´ll sleep, my dear.
l´d give anything to get out of Oz
altogether, but...
...which is the way back to Kansas?
l can´t go the way l came.
No, that´s true.
The only person who might know...
...would be the great and wonderful
Wizard of Oz himself!
The Wizard of Oz?
ls he good or is he wicked?
Very good, but very mysterious.
He lives in the Emerald City...
...and that´s a long journey from here.
Did you bring your broomstick with you?
No, l´m afraid l didn´t.
Well, then, you´ll have to walk.
The Munchkins will see you safely
to the border of Munchkin Land.
And remember, never let those
ruby slippers off your feet for a moment...
...or you will be at the mercy
of the Wicked Witch of the West.
But how do l start for Emerald City?
lt´s always best to start at the beginning...
...and all you do
is follow the Yellow Brick Road.
But, what happens if l--
Just follow the Yellow Brick Road.