Do? Why, if l had a brain, l could....
´"l could wile away the hours
Conferrin´ with the flowers
´"Consultin´ with the rain
´"And my head l´d be scratchin´
While my thoughts were busy hatchin´
´"lf l only had a brain
´"l´d unravel every riddle
For any individual
´"ln trouble or in pain
´"With the thoughts you´ll be thinkin´
You could be another Lincoln
´"lf you only had a brain
´"Oh, l would tell you why
´"The ocean´s near the shore
´"l could think of things
l never thunk before
´"And then l´d sit and think some more
´"l would not be just a nothin´
´"My head all full of stuffin´
My heart all full of pain
´"l would dance and be merry
Life would be a ding-a-derry
´"lf l only had a brain´"
lf our scarecrow back in Kansas could
do that, the crows´d be scared to pieces!
-They would?
Where´s Kansas?
That´s where l live.
l want to get back there so badly
l´m going to Emerald City...
...to get the Wizard of Oz to help me.
You´re going to see a wizard?
Do you think if l went with you
this wizard would give me some brains?
l couldn´t say.
But even if he didn´t,
you´d be no worse off than you are now.
Yes, that´s true.
You´d better not. l´ve got a witch
mad at me and you might get into trouble.