Wizard of Oz

We were wondering why you couldn´t
come with us to the Emerald City...

...to ask the Wizard of Oz for a heart?
Suppose the Wizard wouldn´t give me one
when we got there?

But he will! He must!
We´ve come such a long way already.
You call that long?
Why, you´ve just begun!
Helping the little lady along, are you,
my fine gentlemen?

Well, stay away from her...
...or l´ll stuff a mattress with you!
And you!
l´ll use you for a beehive!
Here, Scarecrow! Want to play ball?
Lookout! l´m burning! l´m burning!
l´m not afraid of her. l´ll see you get safely
to the Wizard now...

...whether l get a brain or not!
´"Stuff a mattress with me,´" hah!

l´ll see you reach the Wizard,
whether l get a heart or not.

´"Beehive,´" bah! Let her try
and make a beehive out of me!

You´re the best friends anybody ever had.
And it´s funny, but l feel
as if l´ve known you all the time.

But l couldn´t have, could l?
l don´t see how. You weren´t around
when l was stuffed and sewn together...

...were you?
And l was standing over there rusting
for the longest time.

Still, l wish l could remember.
But l guess it doesn´t matter anyway.
