Wizard of Oz

l don´t like this forest!
lt´s dark and creepy!
Of course, l don´t know, but l think
it´ll get darker before it gets lighter.

Do you suppose we´ll meet
any wild animals?

We might.
Animals that eat straw?
Some, but mostly lions
and tigers and bears.

And tigers!
And bears!
Lions and tigers and bears! Oh, my!
-Lions and tigers and bears!
-Oh, my!

-Lions and tigers and bears!
-Oh, my!

-Lions and tigers and bears!
-Oh, my!

-Lions and tigers and bears!
-Oh, my!

Oh, look!
Put ´em up! Put ´em up!
Which one of you first?
l´ll fight you both together, if you want.
l´ll fight you with one paw tied
behind my back!

l´ll fight you standing on one foot!
l´ll fight you with my eyes closed.
Pulling an axe on me, eh?
Sneaking up on me, eh? Why....
