How much money is you got, big boy?
Well, I's got to close on 'round...
About $100.
You ain't got $200, is you, honey?
No, I ain't got no $200.
$100 suits me all right, right now.
But wouldn't it be nice if you had $200...
so you and me could spend $100...
and then you could take that other $100
home where it belongs?
Well, where's I gonna get any $200?
Why, it took my family six months'
hard work to get half that much.
But with financing,
there ain't nothing you can't get.
Why, honey, a boy came here last week...
with only $10 to his name...
and when he walked out...
he had close around to
$300 in his hind pocket...
and Hot Shot's favorite diamond ring.
Where did he get all that luck from?
- Just dancing with you, honey?
- Now who's been talking to you?
I's just overflowing with luck.
Dancing with me is like having
a rabbit foot in each pocket.
Then I ought to be about the luckiest man
in the world, right now.
I ought to have been here a long time ago.
Why, what do you know about that?
- Why, if that ain't the old boy himself.
- Where?
Well, there's Hot Shot now, honey.
Say listen, he's got more money
than he knows what to do with.
And is one of the most generous suckers
I ever heard tell of.
- Is that true, sure enough?
- I mean it.
Let's go on to him and ask. Right now.
Come on, let's go see what he got.
Come on, big boy.
Atta boy.
Hey, Hot Shot, look here.