Mammy, we're almost throughwith the picking.
Yes, sir! And we done put ina good season's work.
- Zeke.- Ma'am?
You got all of them things that yougot to buy in town tomorrow?
Yes, Mammy, I've got them right here.
Here it is, Mammy.
Why, here's a nice shirt for Pappy...
and a pair of pants for Spunk.
You knows you just joking.
Why, I never had no new pants in my life.
Why, as soon as you goes out 'em,I stepped in.
- And a dress for Missy Rose...- Oh, Zeke, what kind?
It ain't gonna be no wedding dressand you needn't be...
asking me for none neither.
Ain't nobody asked youfor no wedding dress.
- Who'd marry you?- Why, you would.
What does you thinkMammy adopted you for...
except so you could marry me?
- She didn't do nothing, did you Mammy?- Course she did.
Oh, children, don't you all fuss.
Zeke, what you gonna bring the children?
I don't see nothing on here for Sears.
Not a thing?
Nor Roebuck.
Gee whiz!
Nor Coe.