
There they is.
There ain't nothing wrong with them dice.

There ain't nothing wrong
with the dice, big boy.

I don't see nothing wrong.
Let me see that pair of dice
you just playing with.

Oh, you're starting that bellyaching, huh?
Starting that racket.
Come on, let him see the dice,
if you got any more in your pocket.

Let me see that pair of dice you got
in your pocket.

Say, you better keep quiet.
You big country hick.
Say, don't call him no country hick.
He ain't no country hick.

You'll be getting my back up in a minute.
Why don't you stop all this?
Going around here squawking about
losing your dough like a big 10-year-old.

Oh, my goodness.
Say, don't take it so hard, big boy.
There's lots more cotton in the field.
Let me alone.
I'm asking you once more.
Let me see them dice you got
in your pocket.

Now, I'm getting pretty tired of you
trying to bullyrag me.

Now you get your hide out of here
before I throws it out.

Go on out, big boy.
I'll be out in a minute. Go on.

Now, you clear out of here
before I let you have some of this.

Give 'em room, give 'em room.
Come on, get a move on.
There's the door.
Come back here and give me
my money back, you dirty thieves.

You dirty skunks.
