Anna Christie

Well, what do you know about a barge?
Bet you ain't never seen a barge.
That's what comes of him bringing
you up inland where you'd be safe.

Say, his bringing me up,
is that what he tells people?

Well,I sure like his nerve.
Why, he let them cousins keep me on the
farm and work me to death like a dog.

Well, you didn't fall
for that farm life, did you?

I should say not.
I had to slave for all of them.

Was all right till my mother died...
...butI was only a poor relation,
you know...

...and they treated me worse
than they dared treat a hired girl.

Oh, what a life on that farm
out in Minnesota.

With them Swedes, woman-hungry.
One nightI was alone in the house
and one of the sons came back.

After that,I hated them,
so I'd kill them all ifI stayed...

...soI ran away. St. Paul.
Yeah,I overheard Chris saying as how
you was in St. Paul.

-Working, he said.
-Oh, that's no lie.

I went there to work, butI was still a kid.
It's all men's fault,
giving you the wrong start.

I'm just out of the hospitaI two weeks.
The judge gave all of us girls 30 days.
Well, the others didn't seem to mind
being in the cooler much.

ButI couldn't stand it.I went nuts.
I never could stand
being caged up nowhere.

I got good and sick, and they had
to send me to the hospital.

And it was nice there.
I was sorry to leave it, honest.
