After that,I hated them,
so I'd kill them all ifI stayed...
...soI ran away. St. Paul.
Yeah,I overheard Chris saying as how
you was in St. Paul.
-Working, he said.
-Oh, that's no lie.
I went there to work, butI was still a kid.
It's all men's fault,
giving you the wrong start.
I'm just out of the hospitaI two weeks.
The judge gave all of us girls 30 days.
Well, the others didn't seem to mind
being in the cooler much.
ButI couldn't stand it.I went nuts.
I never could stand
being caged up nowhere.
I got good and sick, and they had
to send me to the hospital.
And it was nice there.
I was sorry to leave it, honest.
If my old man doesn't help me...
...it's men again.
Men all the time.
Oh, howI hate them,
every mother's son of them. Don't you?
Well, there's good ones
and there's bad ones, you know.
Now, your old man, old Chris.
Oh, he's a good one, honest.
Well, he'll have to show me.
Wait till he finds out.
Well, you know,
he's kind of simple.
He's got nutty notions.
You know, he thinks that--
He thinks you're working
as a nurse girI in St. Paul.
You know, he thinks that-- He means all
right, honest. He thinks the world of you.
Honest, he does.
Quit your kidding.