If my old man doesn't help me...
...it's men again.
Men all the time.
Oh, howI hate them,
every mother's son of them. Don't you?
Well, there's good ones
and there's bad ones, you know.
Now, your old man, old Chris.
Oh, he's a good one, honest.
Well, he'll have to show me.
Wait till he finds out.
Well, you know,
he's kind of simple.
He's got nutty notions.
You know, he thinks that--
He thinks you're working
as a nurse girI in St. Paul.
You know, he thinks that-- He means all
right, honest. He thinks the world of you.
Honest, he does.
Quit your kidding.
Well, as soon asI get rested up...
...I'll clear out and get back
to the old job in St. Paul.
Come board the ship
Long time I wait for you
-What's up?
-That's him.
-Your old man.
Golly, Larry. That grub, it taste good.
-ls Marthy in back?
-Sure, and another tramp with her.
That's him, you see.
He's coming in here.
Now, brace up.
Oh, hello, old Chris.
Say, listen, I'm gonna blow down to the
barge and pack my duds and beat it.
She's in there. Your Anna.
Yeah, she's just come.
She's waiting for you.
And you treat her right.
She's been sick.